This week sees a new moon and solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th, kicking off the Aries-Libra eclipse cycle. While there is much talk about eclipses creating chaotic energy, the best way to think of them is as amplifiers— like turbo-charged new and full moons. Because of their cyclical nature and the amplified energy, they are often seen as “portals” or “chapters”— periods in which we experience major beginnings and endings, surprise disruptions, and big changes in our patterns. This cycle is taking place along the Aries-Libra axis, and is highlighting the interplay between individual and collective, self and society, and will continue through spring of 2025.

Would you like to learn more about how this eclipse might affect you personally? Astrological natal charts show the planetary alignment at the time and location of your birth, and are believed to be a sort of cosmic fingerprint, unique to you. Charts are divided into 12 “houses,” with each assigned a zodiacal sign, and planets occurring in different houses are believed to signify various attributes, events, etc. To see what parts of your natal chart the eclipses are activating, you will need the time and location of your birth. Using a natal chart generator with full sign houses (there is a long explanation for full sign houses vs. Placidus’s irregular houses, but we’re going to skip that today!), first find which houses in your chart are ruled by Aries (it looks like  ♈️ ) and Libra (♎️ ). The houses are numbered 1-12, and each represent a key part of us as individuals. Some keywords to think about with each house are…

  1. Our self— our body, our personality, etc.
  2. Our money, assets, & resources
  3. Relationships with siblings, neighbors, etc.
  4. Home, ancestors, land
  5. Creativity, sex, fun
  6. Labor & how we are of service
  7. Partnerships, significant others, & 1:1 relationships
  8. Collaboration, particularly other people’s money
  9. Education, foreign cultures, travel
  10. Career, public roles & responsibilities, etc.
  11. Networks & alliances, friendship
  12. Isolation, privacy, solitude, independence

For me personally, this eclipse cycle is taking place in my 10th and 4th houses, bringing up themes of public roles and personal heritage— quite a lot to reflect on! 

With this eclipse season energy, and I’m restocking handmade soaps as fast as I can, and preparing for the storefront reopening May 26th! I’m looking forward to sharing some of the fun new things HWB has on the horizon, so stay tuned and stay magic!

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